Kismet Park Primary School Upgrade a Step Closer

A refurbished Kismet Park Primary is a step closer today, with Bryant Alsop Pty Ltd appointed to design a $974,000 school upgrade.

Josh Bull visited Kismet Park PS, in Sunbury, today to announce the appointment and see firsthand how it will be upgraded.

Kismet Park Primary will $700,000 for Capital Works and $274,000 in Planned Maintenance, these funds will be rolled into one project which will include the creation of new spaces to enhance the schools focus on performing arts, improving the internal visual aspects of teaching spaces, enhancing the identity of the school from the street and refurbishments to the stadium and a general purpose building.

The Victorian Government is building the Education State so that every Victorian gets the opportunity for a great education and every community has access to a great school.

This means delivering the money needed for new buildings, new upgrades and entirely new schools for our kids – because you can’t get a first-rate education in second-rate classrooms.

The Victorian Budget 2016/17 invests over $924 million in building new schools and upgrading classrooms, while a $200 million funding boost will help us better maintain existing school facilities.

This includes $375 million to plan, upgrade and rebuild at least 147 schools – 87 of them in Melbourne’s suburbs and 60 in regional Victoria.

The Budget also provides the investment needed to plan, acquire land for and build a total of 23 new schools.

Quotes attributable to Josh Bull MP

“We are delivering better school facilities in Sunbury because we know that quality infrastructure gives our students and teachers the learning environment they need to achieve their best.”

“The Victorian Government is building the Education State, and this means investing in upgrading schools like Kismet Park Primary  so our kids have the facilities they need to thrive.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“The Victorian Government is building the Education State so that every community has access to great schools and every student has the chance to succeed, in learning and in life.

“This means delivering new and upgraded schools for our kids because you can’t get a first-rate education in second-rate classrooms, and good school design is at the heart of this.”


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